SHF accepting health-centered grant applications for spring funding cycle

The Superior Health Foundation is now accepting grant applications for its spring 2024 funding cycle. SHF will award more than $180,000 in grants during the spring cycle. 

Applications will be accepted from Dec. 15 through Jan. 15.

 The Superior Health Foundation’s Grants Committee will review the applications and will make its recommendations to the SHF Board of Directors at its March board meeting.

The Superior Health Foundation is interested in receiving grant applications for health-centered projects or equipment purchases in the Upper Peninsula. In the past, the average fall grant award has been between $10,000 and $15,000.

“We are committed to help address the myriad of health needs across our region,” said Jim LaJoie, executive director of the Superior Health Foundation. “We encourage health-centered, non-profit organizations from across the region to apply for funding.”

SHF’s mission is to assist with unmet healthcare needs, with health education, and with programs and research on preventing illness and promoting health throughout the Upper Peninsula. Its vision is to improve the health of the residents of the Upper Peninsula.

Since its inception in September 2012, the SHF has awarded nearly $6.5 million in grant funding.

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