AED Program

2025 AED Program application is now closed.


PURPOSE: The Superior Health Foundation’s AED Program is intended to supply lifesaving devices to nonprofit organizations across the Upper Peninsula. SHF receives a number of AED requests each year, and this program represents an efficient and cost-effective way to address these needs.

WHO SHOULD APPLY: Any tax-exempt organization that has or utilizes public space, hosts group events or activities, or serves a large number of older adults can submit a request for an AED.

HOW TO APPLY: Please visit our grants portal to apply. Applicants will be asked to provide their EIN, proof of tax-exempt status, and information about how many individuals they serve in person, what kind of group activities they hold, and where the AED will be kept. Preview application questions here.

SELECTION CRITERIA: AEDs will be disbursed on a first-come, first-served basis based on the criteria listed above. Organizations are eligible for one AED. Applicants must certify that they are prepared to cover battery and pad replacement costs when they expire.

All recipients agree to hold SHF harmless from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action arising in any way connected with the recipient organization’s participation in this program and the use or storage of the equipment.

For more information, please contact the Superior Health Foundation at [email protected].