Past Gala Partners


Northern Lights Child Advocacy Center | $16,300

Northern Lights serves children and families through comprehensive, high-quality intervention for child maltreatment, community education, advocacy, and connection to resources. Funds were used to create a state-of-the-art forensic interview room with the supplies and technology vital to client intake, crisis counseling, case coordination services, and community prevention education. 


Bay Cliff Health Camp | $15,500

Bay Cliff is a year-round, nonprofit therapy and wellness center for children and adults with disabilities. Its mission is to change the lives of people with disabilities in a therapeutic camp setting. Funds were used to create the Beach Day Program, allowing campers to participate in water recreation activities.


District 10 Lions Club | $16,300

The District 10 Lions Club is a service club focused on childhood cancer, diabetes awareness, hunger, and childhood vision loss prevention. Funds were used to support travel and medical costs for families who traveled for care and supported Camp Quality Upper Peninsula, a camp for pediatric cancer patients and their families at Bay Cliff Health Camp, and Kids Kicking Cancer, a nonprofit that empowers children to manage pain and stress through martial arts and meditation.


Dial Help | $10,600

Dial Help, now part of Copper Shores Community Health Foundation, was the only crisis center in the U.P. and provided 24/7 crisis support and follow-up U.P.-wide. Funds were used to support youth-focused prevention efforts related to mental health and substance use disorder services through Communities that Care Coalitions across the U.P.



Great Lakes Recovery Centers | $11,000

Great Lakes Recovery Centers specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment for youth, families, and adults. Funds were used to start a Parent Support Network and Critical Incident Stress Management team training and implement a 24/7 response system.

Healthy Youth Coalition of Marinette & Menominee Counties | $10,400

The Healthy Youth Coalition is a youth-driven organization dedicated to reducing substance abuse in those ages 12-17 years in Marinette and Menominee Counties. Funds were used to host youth and adult prevention events.



Hospice of the U.P. | $10,150

The Hospice of the Eastern U.P. provides end-of-life care and community support to individuals and families touched by life-threatening illness, grief, and loss. Funds were used for its Bridging Program, which provides companionship and comfort for older adults.

Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly | $10,150

Little Brothers is a volunteer-based organization committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. Funds were used to expand the Friendly Visiting Program to additional counties and hire a part-time volunteer visitor.



STAR Children’s Bereavement Services | $10,150

STAR Children’s Bereavement Services provides grieving children and their families a safe environment and support system within which to share experiences, learn together, and understand that they are not alone. Funds were used to support a three-year pilot program to provide children who attend Camp STAR with supportive mental health services after they leave camp.

U.P. Coalition Network | $11,000

The U.P. Coalition Network is the umbrella organization of the 14 Communities That Care (CTC) coalitions. Funds were used to support volunteer training in the U.P.’s 15 counties on an evidence-based suicide prevention training, Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR).



Camp New Day | $10,500

Camp New Day is a one-week summer camp for youth ages 9-14 across the Upper Peninsula whose lives have been impacted by a parent’s incarceration. Funds were used to support the cost of the camp.

HOPE Animal Assisted Crisis Response | $11,300

HOPE Animal Assisted Crisis Response provides comfort and encouragement through dog-assisted comfort support to victims of crisis across the Upper Peninsula. Funds were used to offset the costs of at least 25 response days and recruit and train additional teams.



Marquette-Alger Great Start Collaborative | $10,300

The Marquette-Alger Great Start Collaborative is a network invested in quality early childhood and family programming, services, and support. Funds were used for the Alger Baby Closet to purchase cribs, sleep sacs, breast pumps, game books, handouts, and help with printing costs.

Lakestate Industries | $11,300

Lakestate Industries helps people recognize and maximize their abilities, overcome barriers, and support them in reaching their highest level of employment and community inclusion. Funds were used to serve ten individuals with disabilities who did not otherwise qualify for assistance at its two locations.



Superior Alliance for Independent Living (SAIL) | $26,500

Superior Alliance for Independent Living (SAIL) provides information, resources, referrals, and support services to people with a wide variety of disabilities, both visible and invisible. Together with the Team River Runner U.P. Veterans Chapter, funds were used to support the Single Point for Activities and Recreation Program, which addresses the health and wellness of veterans and family members with disabilities across 15 U.P. counties.



Great Lakes Recovery Centers | $26,000

Great Lakes Recovery Centers specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment for youth, families, and adults. Funds were used to offset costs for a Community Detoxification Program, which helps medically stabilized adults transfer to a community facility to recover, enhancing the existing program in Sault Ste. Marie, and expanding it to Marquette.



Upper Peninsula Diabetes Outreach Network | $22,000

The Upper Peninsula Diabetes Outreach Network (UPDON) is a program of UPCAP that provides diabetes prevention and management support throughout the U.P. Funds were used to help cover the expenses of a U.P.-wide telephon-based diabetes self-management support program for enhanced access to care and improved outcomes for people living with diabetes.